The fastest way to get rid of gout with lipomatic surgery

The fastest way to get rid of gout with lipomatic surgery in Iran-pmt

The fastest way to get rid of gout with lipomatic surgery


Considering the role of the neck in today’s beauty standards, having a hump can be a problem and a cause of a person’s dissatisfaction with his face, because it not only affects a person’s appearance, but also indicates weight gain and aging. Factors such as poor diet, aging, weight gain, and even genetics can cause a large bulge. There are various methods to remove excess fat under the throat, but one of the best and most popular methods of removing excess fat, especially in Iran, is double chin lipomatic surgery. Liposuction surgery by removing excess skin and fat under the chin makes your face look more beautiful and younger, and those who are between 20 and 50 years old and have elastic skin, it is better to have face and liposuction. do to have a fresher and younger face.

The area under the chin and neck is one of the few areas that is not affected by exercise and diet, and therefore, if there is an increase in fat in this area, you can easily achieve a more beautiful appearance with the help of double chin lipomatic surgery.

Today, double chin lipomatic surgery has become popular especially in Iran. Iranian surgeons are highly skilled in performing this cosmetic surgery, so many beauty seekers entrust their cosmetic surgery to them to get the best results. Check Pars Med Travel for more information on this topic.


The fastest way to get rid of gout with lipomatic surgery in Iran-pmt

What is double chin lipomatic surgery and how is it performed?


In lipomatic,  liposuction surgery, a narrow tube called a cannula is inserted into the skin through a small hole under the chin, and with the surgeon’s physical strokes, the fat is crushed and crushed and finally drained from under the skin.

The surgeon first identifies the areas to enter the cannula according to the request and in consultation with the patient, because these areas may differ from person to person. After that, the skin is cleaned with antiseptic solutions to reduce the risk of bacteria and infection. Double chin cosmetic surgery, like any other cosmetic surgery, requires anesthesia of the patient, so general anesthesia or local anesthesia is chosen according to the individual’s desire.

The difficulty of the doctor’s work is that he has to focus on the amount of fat removed so that the symmetry and balance of the face does not change. Finally, a dressing is applied with a chin strap to maintain the firmness and condition of the skin during recovery.

The fastest way to get rid of gout with lipomatic surgery in Iran-pmt

Care after double chin lipomatics


Most of the people who perform cosmetic surgery on their chin,
neck and double chin are discharged and go home on the same day, so care after lipomatic surgery,
which is very important and has a significant effect on the results of the surgery and its durability, should be carefully considered.
Do. In order to have a better recovery period, your surgeon will definitely give you instructions for recovery, which are very important to follow. These instructions usually include the following:

  • Avoid placing ice near the surgical area.
  • Caring for drains and changing bandages is very important.
  • Try to keep your head above your heart. Move your neck as little as possible (eg don’t pull clothes over your head or turn your head suddenly).
  • Avoid direct sunlight.
  • Use certain medications (such as ointments or pills, most likely prescribed by your doctor) to control pain or prevent infection.
  • Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol for at least 6 weeks after surgery.
  • If you take anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or aspirin, talk to your doctor about it.
  • Drink plenty of water and take supplements such as vitamin C and iron tablets to speed recovery.
  • Get enough rest after double chin cosmetic surgery, although you may not be able to sleep properly after surgery, but don’t forget that lack of rest and sleep slows down the healing process. You can check  Pars Med Travel for more information.

The fastest way to get rid of gout with lipomatic surgery in Iran-pmt

Double chin lipomatic surgery recovery period


After double chin liposuction surgery, you will likely have some discomfort, swelling, and bruising, and your skin may tighten. These side effects last about two weeks and get better with time. It may take several months for the stitches and incisions made during surgery to heal completely. But in general, it is recommended to take 3 to 5 days off from work for complete rest and recovery.

Take a break for 10 days after double chin cosmetic surgery,
especially if you have a physically demanding job or heavy exercise.
Remember, vigorous activity can cause more swelling or even open stitches if you’re not careful. Patients experience varying degrees of bruising and swelling during the healing process, which can be asymmetrical and sometimes lumpy. Therefore, it is very important to follow these points during the recovery period after the surgery. Iranian doctors will explain to you all the stages of double chin cosmetic surgery and recovery tips. Therefore, you will make the right decision regarding surgery and you will experience the best result. Check Pars Med Travel for more information, please.



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