Flat and beautiful belly with Abdominal liposuction

Flat and beautiful belly with liposuction-pmt

Flat and beautiful belly with liposuction


Abdominal liposuction is one of the minimally invasive surgeries for abdominal beauty, which removes fat from the abdomen using a suction device and a hollow tube. In this method, a small and thin cannula tube is inserted into the body through small cuts and slits of a few millimeters, and then excess fat is removed from the desired area through this tube and in the last several years, abdominal liposuction has attracted the attention and acceptance of many people, and you can choose skilled Iranian doctors to perform abdominal cosmetic surgery. In this case, you will experience the best quality at the lowest price.
Abdominal cosmetic surgery relieves you from strict diets and regular exercises to have a flat and beautiful stomach. You can perform this cosmetic surgery with the best result by the competent Iranian doctors. Please visit Pars Med Travel for more information on this topic.

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Who are the right candidates for liposuction?


If the excess fat in your abdomen has not disappeared over the years with diet and exercise,

you are a good candidate for liposuction or abdominal cosmetic surgery.

People who wish to remove excess fat from their abdominal area should be in good general health and should be realistic about their expectations of liposuction surgery.
In fact, the best candidates for abdominal liposuction are people who have an almost normal weight with healthy and flexible skin,

whose abdominal area has excess fat.


Necessary measures before abdominal liposuction


Before undergoing tummy tuck surgery, talk to your skilled Iranian surgeon about what you expect from the surgery.
The surgeon will review your medical records and ask questions about your medical conditions, including the medications you are taking, your surgical history,

and your illnesses. Tell the surgeon about any medications or supplements you take.

If you smoke and use tobacco, be sure to inform your doctor about the amount and time.


Your surgeon will likely recommend that you stop taking certain medications, such as blood thinners or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), at least a week before the procedure.

It may also be necessary to perform certain tests before surgery so that the surgeon has a more comprehensive and accurate knowledge of your condition.

If a small amount of abdominal fat is to be removed, the surgery may be performed in a cosmetic clinic or doctor’s office.
If it is necessary to remove and drain a large amount of fat or if you want to perform other procedures at the same time,

the surgery will probably be performed in the hospital.
In any case, whether you do liposuction in a clinic or office or in a hospital, it is necessary to have someone with you.

What encourages you to perform this surgery in Iran is that Iranian doctors will evaluate your physical health and decide whether this procedure is suitable for you.
If this method is not suitable for your abdominal cosmetic surgery, other options for abdominal cosmetic surgery or a combination of liposuction with other surgeries will be presented to you.
You can check Pars Med Travel  for more details on this topic.

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How to perform abdominal liposuction


Before performing a tummy tuck,

the surgeon may draw circles and lines on the areas of your body where fat needs to be removed.
If the person consents,

the patient may be photographed before and after liposuction so that the before and after images can be compared.

How liposuction surgery is performed depends on the specific technique that is used.

Your surgeon will choose this technique based on your goals and ideas,

the area of the body to be treated,

and whether you have had other liposuction procedures done in the past.

Both local anesthesia and general or complete anesthesia can be used for abdominal liposuction;
The decision in this case depends entirely on the opinion and discretion of the surgeon.

During abdominal liposuction surgery,

small incisions of 2 to 3 mm length are made in hidden areas so that the cannula tube enters the fat tissue and through this tube excess fat in the abdominal area is removed.

Over time, the incisions will blend naturally with the surrounding skin and hide in the natural grooves of the body.

The surgical team will monitor your heart rate, blood pressure, and blood oxygen levels during the procedure.

If you are given local anesthesia and feel pain during the procedure, you should report it immediately.

Depending on the amount of fat being removed, tummy tuck surgery can take up to a few hours.

If you have received general anesthesia, you will wake up in the recovery room.
You can be discharged from the hospital or clinic whenever you are in a favorable condition according to the surgeon and the surgical team.


Care after abdominal liposuction


It is absolutely necessary to use pain relievers prescribed by the surgeon for pain relief during recovery
and it is normal to observe swelling after surgery,

which disappears after two weeks to two months,
so the best time to make a final decision regarding the result of liposuction is two months later.

It is recommended to start walking as soon as possible to reduce swelling and prevent blood clots from forming in your legs.

For 4 weeks after surgery,

patients should use absorbent and tight clothing
(wearing a compression garment for 4-6 weeks after abdominal liposuction surgery is mandatory for patients)

For 4-6 weeks after abdominal liposuction surgery,
avoid heavy and intense activities.
Iranian doctors are very capable in performing abdominal cosmetic surgery

and you will definitely experience the least complications after the surgery, however,
take the rest period after the surgery seriously until full recovery.(AR106)


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