Arm lipomatic surgery in Iran

Arm lipomatic surgery in Iran-pmt

What is arm lipomatics?


These days, lipomatic surgery has become one of the most widely used and prominent cosmetic surgeries,
which helps to remove fat tissues accumulated in certain areas of the body, and in this way,
a lot of people of all genders who are dissatisfied with their bodies and or they are locally involved in excess fat and obesity.

Unlike the classic liposuction method, skilled Iranian doctors use a vibrating device called lipomatic to perform this procedure.
With a lipomatic session, you can remove 3 to 4 kilos of fat tissue and have a more beautiful appearance and tighter muscles.
In fact, it can be said that this beauty procedure is designed for those who did not get results from strict diets and are tired of them,
or their fat tissue is in such a way that it does not disappear with all kinds of heavy sports.

Cosmetic surgeons use this method to remove excess fat from the upper arms, chest, abdomen, buttocks, hips, legs, buttocks,
chin, and neck area of the body, that is, the areas that burn fat the most.
are more sensitive. Among these body contouring operations,
arm lipomatics is one of the arm cosmetic surgery methods that has a great impact on the fitness of the upper body.

In this arm cosmetic surgery, after the removal of excess fat, the skin returns to its normal state,
and therefore, if the person’s skin has weak elasticity or is so-called loose and sagging, after removing the fat,
the skin will be firmer and smoother. It gets wet.

Arm cosmetic surgery in Iran is performed by skilled doctors that many beauty seekers seek to perform lipomatic arm surgery by them.
The surgery is performed in the most equipped medical clinics that offer the best quality at the lowest price to fans of this surgery.
For more information on this topic please check Pars Med Travel

Arm lipomatic surgery in Iran-pmt

Arm liposuction surgery procedures


The biggest advantage of arm cosmetic surgery can be considered to be the use of new technology and its wonderful device,
which has helped the development of liposuction technique and in this way has also improved arm lift surgery.
This new and effective method is also used by Iranian doctors, which makes you feel at ease from lipomatic arm surgery.

This procedure begins with the surgeon making marks on the elbows, arms, and armpits,
that is, the surgeon determines the location and size of the incision lines, which depends on the type of arm surgery; Specifies.
After that, according to the specified parts, necessary incisions are made to remove excess skin and fat, and in the meantime,
the most important part of a good lipomatic surgery is that the surgeon tries to make sure that the incisions are in the arm cavities or inside The arm is hidden and less visible.

The lipomatic machine is used to remove excess fat, that is, after making the incisions,
the surgeon removes the excess skin and fat and closes the incisions to create a smoother and firmer contour, and finally the skin on the new contour of the arm.
You will be smooth. In the final stage of arm cosmetic surgery, the surgeon closes the incisions precisely to minimize scarring.
Sutures may be placed under the skin and eventually absorb on their own.
It is not bad to know that this operation usually takes 1 to 2 hours and the recovery time is usually 2 to 3 days.

Now that we are familiar with the process of cosmetic arm surgery, it is better to know more about post-operative care,
because post-operative care and following the doctor’s instructions are more important than the surgery itself!  You can check Pars Med Travel for more information on this topic.

Arm lipomatic surgery in Iran-pmt

Care after arm liposuction


In arm lipomatics, considering that the surgery is usually painless and with a small incision,
you can continue your daily activities the next day.
However, the recovery period after surgery depends on the amount of fat removed and the number of incisions and stitches.
Normally, it can be said that within 2 weeks you can completely return to normal life,
but you may have some pain for 3 to 4 days after the surgery, but there is nothing to worry about,
and most likely, the pain will gradually decrease after 4 days.

After arm cosmetic surgery, you should use arm braces or special arm braces
and don’t forget that it is very important to use this brace for 3 weeks.
It is better to wait 5 to 6 days for bathing and do not use cold or hot compresses.
The question of whether you will get edema after arm liposuction is a question that many people ask,
but we must say that since the tissues are not damaged during arm liposuction, edema is very unlikely.
To prevent edema, you can use an armband and a gun.

Arm lipomatic surgery in Iran-pmt


The most important care after lipomatic surgery of the arm is related to the rest of the patient,
which means that heavy movements should not be performed after performing liposuction with lipomatic,
and for 7 to 10 days after performing arm cosmetic surgery, one should refrain from sports and long walks.
Avoid full recovery; But during this time you can do light sports or walk during the day.
Those who want to swim should wait at least 15 days after lipomatic,
but remember that you should also wait at least one month for activities such as hot water or sauna.
Before introducing you as a candidate for arm cosmetic surgery,
Iranian doctors will hold a consultation session for you
and explain all the steps of this cosmetic surgery to you so that you are fully familiar with the work steps.

But you should not expect weight loss in the initial period
and it usually takes 2 to 3 months for all the swelling
and bruises to disappear so that the real result of the surgery can be determined.

Adhering to the diet after surgery is very important because it has a direct effect on the outcome of the surgery and its durability,
so if possible, do not use salt and fat in your daily diet.

After finishing the arm surgery, the surgeon will suggest you a dressing
and a brace or an arm brace and will teach you how long you should use it.
the arm brace should be worn for 2 to 4 weeks because wearing a brace is very important for the arm after surgery
and has many benefits such as reducing pain and swelling as well as speeding up recovery.
Another benefit of using an arm brace is that,
in addition to improving blood circulation, it will significantly improve any scarring caused by this surgery.
If you do all the mentioned points correctly and on time,
you will enjoy the new look of your arms after the arm cosmetic surgery recovery period.




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