Tuberculosis plasma therapy in Iran

Tuberculosis plasma therapy in Iran-pmt

Tuberculosis plasma therapy in Iran


Tuberculosis plasma therapy is a natural and safe method of rejuvenation that uses human blood plasma to stimulate and renew damaged tissues in the areas of the face, neck, head and chest, hands and body. In this method, some of the patient’s blood is taken and its platelets are separated and enriched by special kits. Then this enriched platelet is injected. Platelets contain various growth stimulants and are effective in collagen formation. Visit Pars Med Travel for more information on this topic.


What is plasma tuberculosis therapy?


Plasma cell therapy is a treatment process in which plasma cells are collected from the patient or another person and injected into another patient.
Plasma cell therapy is used to transfer the biological factors present in plasma cells to the patient to accelerate and improve healing processes.
Treatment with plasma cells can be used in various fields of medicine.
For example, in surgery and tissue repair, healing chronic wounds,
treating sports accidents, improving skin quality, effective therapeutic interventions in inflammatory diseases, etc.

During the plasma cell therapy process, the plasma cells contain growth factors,
proteins, special plasmids and other useful substances that help intensify the healing processes in the body. These cells can be prepared from the patient’s blood or other sources such as plasma cells and then injected into the area that needs treatment.


Tuberculosis plasma therapy in Iran-pmt

How to do plasma therapy


The method of performing plasma cell therapy may differ between specialists and different medical centers,
but the way to do it is as follows.

Plasma collection: First, a sample of your blood is collected. This step is usually done by inserting a needle into a small vein in the arm or other part of the body.

Center: The collected blood is transferred to a special device called center. In this device, blood inhibitors such as sodium citrate are added to stabilize plasma activity and prevent blood clotting.

Separation of cells: In the next step, plasma is separated from the rest of the components in the blood. This action is mostly done by centrifugation steps.

Plasma injection: plasma, after the separation of the previous step, is transferred to the appropriate injection device. Then it is injected into the needed parts as an alternative to treat some injuries and physical problems. This transfer can be localized to specific areas of the body (e.g. chronic wound healing) or for systemic problems (e.g. painful lumbar disc).

Technologies, equipment and steps may be slightly different in different centers. To perform TB plasma therapy, it is best to consult your doctor or your treating specialist about the specific method used in the center where you are being treated.


What are the benefits of plasma cell therapy or plasma therapy?


The benefits of plasma cell therapy include the following:

  • No risk of infection: because the plasma is taken from the patient himself, diseases caused by blood or other tissue are reduced.
  • Natural process: Using the patient’s own plasma means using natural and common sources to restore tissues and accelerate the healing process without the need for foreign substances.
  • Reduced recovery time: Tuberculosis plasma therapy can speed up the healing process and contribute to a shorter recovery time, especially for chronic wounds or surgical procedures.
  • Reduce inflammation: TB plasma therapy may help reduce inflammatory symptoms, pain, and swelling associated with certain diseases or tissue injuries.
  • High compatibility: using the patient’s therapeutic plasma, which is used in the body, makes the treatment process more compatible with the body.

It is important to consult your doctor before using TB plasma therapy and review the features, benefits, and possible limitations. Also, in some cases, plasma injection may be combined with other treatment methods to achieve better results.


Tuberculosis plasma therapy in Iran-pmt


How much does plasma tuberculosis therapy cost?


The cost of plasma tuberculosis therapy may vary depending on the country, treatment center, type of treatment and other factors. In general, the cost of plasma tuberculosis therapy includes the collection, processing and injection of plasma. To have more detailed information about the costs, you can consult and inquire about the prices of different medical centers. The cost of TB plasma therapy may vary depending on the geographical area and the center where it is performed.
Also, other factors such as the equipment used, the level of experience and expertise of the doctor,
the costs of necessary supplies and the costs of post-treatment services may also be influential in determining the price.

The best way to find out the cost of plasma tuberculosis therapy near you is to visit local hospitals
and medical centers. You can contact these centers to get more detailed information about fees and related rules.

In general, these days there is no fixed price for treatment methods
and the only way to know the exact prices is to visit the treatment centers or view the online price pages to find out the latest prices.
You can do plasma therapy with the lowest price and the highest quality in Iran’s beauty clinics by the best specialists.
Please check Pars Med Travel for more information on this topic.





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