The cheapest injection of rejuvenating mesogel in Iran

The cheapest injection of rejuvenating mesogel in Iran-pmt

The cheapest injection of rejuvenating mesogel in Iran


Almost all of us are looking for an effective way to treat this problem as we age and the first wrinkles appear on our face to regain the attractiveness of our youth;
Mesogel injection is one of the newest and most effective methods of rejuvenating and treating facial wrinkles, especially around the eyes, which is widely used in Iran and the world. You can entrust the beauty of your skin to Iranian experts.  Please visit Pars Med Travel for more information on this topic and find best price.


What is mesogel?


Mesogel injection is a simple and useful treatment method to eliminate wrinkles on the face and around the eyes,
which restores the natural hyaluronic acid in the body.
Hyaluronic acid is actually a type of sugar and is considered the most powerful substance in the body to absorb moisture
and nutrients needed by the skin and maintain its elasticity.
The human body has approximately 15 grams of hyaluronic acid,
and with age, the amount of this substance in the body decreases, as a result of which the skin gradually loses its vitality and freshness.

Materials such as hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, minerals, amino acids, co-enzymes and vitamins are used in the process of producing and injecting mesogel and mesotherapy.
The ingredients in mesogel help to refresh, repair, stimulate collagen production, strengthen, strengthen and rejuvenate the skin and blood supply to its tissues.
Among the materials used in the making of mesogel, the main one is hyaluronic acid,
the presence of which causes hydration, maintaining the moisture of the skin and keeping it hydrated.

By injecting mesogel and absorbing its nutrients by the skin, many injuries and skin problems are improved,
and signs of aging do not appear in the skin for a relatively long time, and the skin does not suffer from blemishes, and its moisture is increased to a large extent.


The cheapest injection of rejuvenating mesogel in Iran-pmt


Application of mesogel


The most important applications of rejuvenating mesogel for different parts of the body are:

  • This rejuvenating gel makes the skin of the face, especially the area around the eyes, younger and more beautiful and removes its wrinkles.
  • It increases the elasticity of the skin in the neck area and reduces neck lines and wrinkles.
  • Meso-gel can eliminate acne, which is considered a disturbing factor in the beauty of the face.
  • It prevents hair loss in people and eliminates hair loss.
  • Stretch marks are easily removed from different parts of the body.
  • Mesogel injection eliminates skin cellulite.
  • It can remove black spots that exist in some parts of the body.
  • It solves problems related to skin color, especially in the chest area.
  • Removes pimples and spots and dark spots and increases self-confidence.
  • Local obesity can be treated with the help of rejuvenating gel injection (not 100% proven yet based on scientific findings)
  • The veins on the hands that are prominent and protruding and the dimples on the hands can be removed with mesogel.
  • With mesogel, it is possible to perform some cosmetic procedures on the nose, such as removing the hump, in a non-invasive way by injecting mesogel.

The cheapest injection of rejuvenating mesogel in Iran-pmt

How to inject mesogel


For the injection of mesogel, different steps must be followed in a precise and principled manner
so that this treatment can be performed with the utmost quality, safety and speed and with the least pain.
A dermatologist usually follows the following steps for rejuvenating gel injection:

He finds the right place to inject the rejuvenating gel and injects it using disposable gloves and completely clean and ready disinfectants.

The piston of the syringe presses until a small drop appears on the tip of the needle used in the injection of mesogel.
(Note: thin and fine needles should be used to inject rejuvenating gel)

He inserts the needle obliquely at an angle of 30 degrees into the lower layer of the skin.

According to the type and brand of mesogel, the age of the patient and his skin conditions,
as well as the expected treatment goal of the doctor, mesogel injection is performed in several ways.
For example, injections in several different points of the skin that have wrinkles or injections in fixed and specific points for all patients.

Rejuvenating gel injection has little pain; But if your pain threshold is low,
you can ask a specialist doctor to numb the treated area before the injection.
Check Pars Med Travel for more information on this topic.


Persistence of mesogel


The injection of mesogel or rejuvenating gel treats the skin instantly;
That is, you can see the results of the treatment immediately after the operation or finally after 48 hours when the initial possible side effects of mesogel such as bruising,
swelling and redness have disappeared; view After meso gel injection,
you can easily see the rejuvenation and improvement of your skin quality.

The shelf life of mesogel depends on several factors, including the brand used in the injection,
the skill, experience and expertise of the treating physician, what problems the patient’s skin has and… if the post-treatment care provided to them We mentioned;
If followed well, mesogel lasts for 6 to 9 months and then its effect gradually fades.
To extend and increase the effectiveness of mesogel injection, you must repeat the treatment sessions at least three times with an interval of two to four weeks.


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