Planting a beard and mustache in Iran

Planting a beard and mustache in Iran-pmt

Planting a beard and mustache in Iran

Beard and mustache transplant can be done to restore facial hair. Men whose parts of their beard or mustache have less density or a part of it is empty, or people whose facial hair does not grow due to the presence of wounds, burns or surgical suture scars, are the most suitable candidates for this surgery. They are beautiful. Iran carries out beard and mustache transplants for men with its best beauty experts.

Planting a beard and mustache saves men from baldness and gives them masculinity. You can easily perform your facial hair transplant surgery in the best conditions by Iranian specialists with best price.Visit Pars Med Travel for more information.


What is the method of planting a beard and mustache?


Growing a beard and mustache, also known as facial hair growth, is a process that requires patience and dedication. It is important to choose a style that suits your face shape and lifestyle. Before you begin, it is recommended to wash your face and use beard oil or balm to help with any itching or burning. The rate at which facial hair grows varies from person to person, but typically, it takes about two to three months for a beard or mustache to grow.

During this time, it is important to maintain a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and avoid smoking or excessive alcohol consumption, as these can slow down the growth process. Trimming and shaping your beard and mustache regularly can help maintain a neat appearance, and using a comb or brush can help distribute oil and maintain hair health. In general, beard and mustache transplant, like hair transplant, can be a valuable experience and give you a sense of masculinity and self-confidence. With proper care and maintenance, a neat beard or mustache can become a special look and a source of pride.

Planting a beard and mustache in Iran-pmt

What is the process of planting a mustache and beard?

The process of mustache and beard transplantation, also known as facial hair transplantation, usually includes the following steps:

  • Counseling

The first step is to schedule a consultation with a qualified surgeon specializing in hair transplantation. During the consultation, the surgeon evaluates the type and quality of the patient’s hair as well as his goals for this method. Iranian experts advise you the best solution.

  • Selection of the donor area

Then the surgeon selects a suitable donor area to harvest the hair follicles. This is usually the back of the head, where the hair is thicker and more resistant to baldness.

Harvesting hair follicles

The surgeon uses the FUT or FUE method to harvest hair follicles from the donor area. FUT involves removing a strip of skin, while FUE involves extracting individual follicles using a punch tool.

  • Preparation of follicles

The harvested hair follicles are carefully prepared and sorted to ensure they are viable for transplantation.

  • planting

The surgeon makes small incisions in the recipient area, usually along the upper lip or chin for a mustache, or along the jawline for a beard. Then hair follicles are implanted in these incisions using a needle or micro blade.

  • Care after cosmetic surgery

After cosmetic surgery, patients must follow a strict aftercare regimen to ensure proper healing and maximize transplant results. In general, the process of implanting a mustache and beard is a precise and delicate procedure that requires skill and expertise to achieve natural-looking results. Patients should choose an experienced surgeon and follow all pre- and post-surgery instructions carefully. Please check Pars Med Travel for more information on this topic.

Planting a beard and mustache in Iran-pmt

Advantages and disadvantages of beard and mustache planting

Beard and mustache transplant, which is also known as facial hair transplant, has both advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the most commonly mentioned:


Benefits of facial hair transplant:

  • Improved Appearance: For men who are naturally unable to grow a full beard or mustache, facial hair transplants can provide an attractive and masculine appearance.
  • Increased self-confidence: Men who struggle with thinning or receding facial hair may feel self-conscious about their appearance. By having a beard or mustache transplant, they may feel more confident and comfortable in their own skin.
  • Permanent results: Unlike temporary solutions such as using topical creams or gels to stimulate hair growth, facial hair transplants offer permanent results that can last a lifetime.

Disadvantages of facial hair transplant:

  • Cost: Facial hair transplants can be expensive, ranging from a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars. But you can do facial hair transplant safely in the beauty clinics of Iran with the lowest price and the highest quality.
  • Pain and Discomfort: As with any cosmetic surgery, there is a risk of pain. Discomfort and swelling associated with facial hair transplantation.
  • Risk of infection: Whenever the skin is broken, there is a risk of infection. Patients who undergo facial hair transplantation should ensure that the treated area is clean and free of bacteria.
  • Scarring: Although modern techniques have reduced the risk of scarring, some patients may experience significant scarring after facial hair transplantation.
  • Not for everyone: Facial hair transplant may not be suitable for all men. Patients must have enough donor hair available for transplantation, and people with certain medical conditions may not be good candidates for this surgery.



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