Fix all abdominal beauty problems with one surgery in Iran

Fix all abdominal beauty problems with one surgery in Iran-pmt

Fix all abdominal beauty problems with one surgery in Iran


Abdominoplasty is the most effective method for solving abdominal beauty problems, including sagging skin, muscle weakness, excess fat, and postpartum problems. This is a comprehensive procedure that will make your stomach beautiful and attractive. Iranian surgeons have great skills in performing cosmetic surgeries, including abdominal surgery. If you are looking for tummy tuck surgery or abdominoplasty, follow Pars Med Travel


What is abdominal surgery or abdominoplasty?

According to the definition of the British Association of Surgeons, abdominoplasty surgery is one of the best ways to lose weight and reduce the size of the abdomen. The miracle of this method will be the best option for people with abdominal fat accumulation, people with a history of pregnancy or obesity, and frequent weight loss who have skin damage, loose skin, and cracked skin. The results of abdominal surgery remain for a long time, especially if the person has chosen a healthy lifestyle and a suitable diet for the rest of his life. Sometimes the combination of abdominal surgery with abdominoplasty along with lipomatic surgery creates a wonderful result for people.

Fix all abdominal beauty problems with one surgery in Iran-pmt

What are the types of abdominal cosmetic surgery?

Certainly, when surgeries are performed to achieve a specific goal, different techniques create different advantages and disadvantages for each method. Different methods of abdominal surgery are also performed with different techniques, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages and is suitable for certain people. Abdominal surgery is different based on the type of problem in the organ.

Maybe in your mind, weight loss surgery such as gastric bypass or gastric sleeve is one of the best abdominal surgeries, but it is better to know that the weight loss caused by bypass surgery should also be completed by a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty. Because in most cases, the skin hanging from this weight loss must be surgically removed.

In the following, you will learn about the types of abdominal surgery and we will review the advantages and disadvantages of each.

  • Abdominal surgery with big abdominoplasty or big tummy tuck
  • Abdominal surgery with small abdominoplasty


Fix all abdominal beauty problems with one surgery in Iran-pmt Fix all abdominal beauty problems with one surgery in Iran-pmt

Big abdominoplasty or big tummy tuck surgery


You may have seen the photos on social networks of the abdominoplasty miracle. The miracle that transforms big bellies into small, flat and flat bellies. In the miracle of Abdo operation, even stretch marks are reduced and the location of the navel is also changed.

In some cases, by strengthening the muscles, the convex abdomen caused by the tearing of the abdominal muscles can be improved. All these features are the most obvious points of the big abdominoplasty or big tummy tuck procedure. In this method, the incision line is usually made horizontally in the lower abdomen area, and another incision line goes convexly from the right corner to the left corner of the body, and in this passage, it passes above the navel to completely lift the extra skin.

You may feel that the person who performs Abdo will definitely not have a navel. But the doctors remove the abdominal fat and lift the skin as delicately as possible. In this process, the navel is cut from the old place up to two centimeters around to be transferred to the new place. The navel is sutured to the skin at the right place on the abdomen. This work is done by experienced and expert doctors in such a way that it is unlikely to detect the displacement of the umbilical cord after a few months.

Note: According to the report of the British Association of Plastic Surgeons, sometimes depending on the pattern of fat accumulation, a specialist doctor may also make a vertical incision in the abdomen so that the lift can be performed in the best way.  Check Pars Med Travel



Fix all abdominal beauty problems with one surgery in Iran-pmt


Candidates for large abdominoplasty

Usually, in any surgical technique, candidates are considered the best people to perform surgery. Candidates for large abdominoplasty include those with the following characteristics:

  • People with high fat accumulation in the abdominal area
  • People with sagging skin across the abdomen
  • People with many stretch marks in the abdomen
  • People without history of asthma, blood pressure, anemia and diabetes
  • People with torn abdominal muscles
  • People with side bulges
  • People with multiple pregnancies


Benefits of large abdominoplasty

Certainly, understanding the benefits of a big tummy tuck will be part of your motivation to use the services of this abdominal surgery. In the following, we examine the benefits of large abdominoplasty.

  • Achieving fitness in the abdominal area
  • Lose a lot of size and fat
  • Removal of stretch marks (many stretch marks are removed due to the removal of part of the skin)
  • Overnight weight loss
  • Strengthening the abdominal muscles and improving the abdomen and muscle shape
  • The attractiveness of natural heights in the body





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