Eyebrow transplantation in Iran

Eyebrow transplantation in Iran-pmt

Eyebrow transplantation in Iran

Eyebrow transplant is one of the most important cosmetic surgeries that can be done to beautify the face. At present, a large number of those who have done eyebrow transplantation were completely satisfied with the result. Some people use older methods such as tattooing and hatching for eyebrows, which cause many complications for them. Due to the high sensitivity of this case, it is better to have the eyebrow transplant done by a professional clinic and team so that you can feel at ease about the quality of the work.

Arrow is an irreplaceable option for women’s face beauty. Sometimes the eyebrows start to fall out without any reason and finally disappear completely. But today, eyebrow implantation has solved this concern of women. You can do eyebrow transplant by the best specialists at the lowest price. Visit Pars Med Travel for more information on this topic.


What is eyebrow transplant?

Eyebrow transplantation: Eyebrow transplant is a type of hair transplant that people who have lost their eyebrows for various reasons or have very thin and thin eyebrows use this cosmetic surgery to compensate for their lost beauty. This method is similar to hair transplant methods and the cost of this surgery varies according to the person and the amount of hair loss. Eyebrow transplant is a cosmetic surgery that involves implanting hair follicles into the eyebrows to improve their thickness, shape and overall appearance. This procedure is usually performed on people who have thin or sparse eyebrows for various reasons such as over plucking, genetics, trauma or medical conditions.

Eyebrow transplantation in Iran-pmt

Eyebrow implantation method

Eyebrow implantation usually includes the following steps:

Local anesthesia: The treatment area is numbed with local anesthesia to minimize discomfort during the procedure.

  • Donor Hair Extraction: If the FUE method is used, individual hair follicles are extracted from the donor area using a small punch tool. If the FUT method is used, a strip of skin containing hair follicles is removed from the donor area and separated into hair follicles.
  • Preparation of the recipient area: The recipient area or the eyebrow area where the hair is transplanted is prepared by making small incisions or slits using a needle or razor. These incisions are carefully placed so that the brow shape looks natural.
  • Implantation of hair follicles: The extracted hair follicles are then transplanted to the recipient area using a small needle or razor, and care is taken to ensure that the angle and direction of the hair matches the natural growth pattern.
  • Post-operative care: After the procedure, the treatment area is carefully cleaned and covered with a sterile dressing. Your doctor will give you specific instructions on how to care for the treatment area in the days and weeks after surgery, including how to clean and protect the area, how to manage any discomfort or swelling, and when to return for follow-ups.

Depending on the number of hair follicles implanted and the method used, the procedure usually takes a few hours to complete. Most people can return to their normal activities within a few days after surgery, although it is important to follow your doctor’s instructions for post-surgery care to ensure a safe and successful recovery. Please check Pars Med Travel for more information on this topic.


What is the reason for eyebrow loss after eyebrow transplant?

Eyebrow shedding after transplant can happen for many reasons, here are some common reasons for eyebrow shedding after transplant:

Natural hair growth cycle: Like all hair, eyebrow hair goes through stages of growth, rest and shedding. After transplantation, some newly transplanted hairs may follow their natural growth cycle and eventually fall out. This is a natural part of the hair growth process and can lead to temporary shedding.

Inadequate post-implantation care: Improper post-implantation care can lead to complications and loss of implanted hair. Failure to follow recommended aftercare instructions, such as avoiding excessive sun exposure, not using harsh skin care products, or not keeping the area clean and moisturized, can contribute to hair loss.

Infections or complications: Infections, although rare, can occur after any surgery or invasive procedure, including eyebrow transplants. Infections can lead to hair loss in the implanted area and may require medical intervention.

Improper technique: The choice of implantation method and the skill of the doctor in performing this procedure can significantly affect the results. If this technique is not done correctly, it may lead to poor hair retention and eventual shedding.

Eyebrow transplantation in Iran-pmt

Results of eyebrow transplant

Eyebrow transplantation: The results of eyebrow transplant can be different depending on various factors, including the natural growth pattern of the individual’s hair, the amount of transplanted hair and the method used for this operation. In general, transplanted hair begins to grow within a few months after the procedure, and full results are visible within 6 to 12 months.

Eyebrow implants can provide a natural and long-lasting solution for people with thin or sparse eyebrows. Transplanted hair usually continues to grow and requires maintenance, including trimming and shaping, to achieve the desired appearance. With proper care and maintenance, eyebrow transplant results can be permanent.


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