Buttock fat injection in Iran

Buttock fat injection in Iran-pmt

Fat Injection; Amazing way to shape the hips without complications


Buttock fat injection: With the help of fat injection to the hips, make your hips bigger, shapelier and more attractive in a short time. This procedure is performed in a short time and does not leave scars.

Fat injection to the buttocks is one of the popular cosmetic surgeries today. You can achieve your desired ideal appearance by Iranian surgeons. Follow Pars Med Travel   to get more information on fat injection to the buttocks.


Buttock fat injection


Buttock fat injection, also known as Brazilian butt lift, is a method in which the patient’s own body fat is used to enlarge and improve the shape of the buttock; fat from parts of the body that have excess fat; It is removed and injected into areas that are thinner and have less volume, such as the thighs, abdomen, and flanks.
It when performed by a highly specialized cosmetic and plastic surgeon, familiar with today’s beauty standards and modern techniques, is not just a way to enlarge the butt; Rather, it will make the body more beautiful. When there is a proper harmony between the size of the waist and hips and the right angle is observed in the curve of the waist, without a doubt, your body will look more beautiful and attractive. Fat injection surgery is used to add volume to the lips, fill skin wrinkles, and make the breasts and hips bigger and bigger.
Buttock enlargement with fat injection is a relatively safe and long-lasting method to correct the shape, size and overall beauty of the body.

Buttock fat injection in Iran-pmt

The most important tips and actions before and after the Brazilian butt lift


 Preparing for fat transfer

The instructions necessary to prepare before fat injection will be provided and taught by the surgeon. Usually, if the patient uses tobacco or anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, it is better to stop using them at least four weeks before the operation; Because smoking and anti-inflammatory drugs can prevent the blood flow to the skin and thus cause a disturbance in the process of recovery and repair.


During buttock fat injection

Using a special needle, also called a liposuction cannula, fat is removed from predetermined areas. The fat is then subjected to a filtration process to remove excess fluid, blood, and other components. Finally, the refined fat is injected into the desired areas. Usually, the injection needle is repeatedly placed in a specific pattern throughout the desired area to inject fat evenly.

Buttock fat injection in Iran-pmt

After fat injection

Swelling after fat injection is common; But usually, after 2 to 3 weeks after the buttock augmentation, the swelling will disappear. The intensity of swelling depends primarily on the place of fat injection. It is recommended to avoid prolonged sitting and lying on the treated area during the first three to four weeks after the operation; You should sleep on your side and sit on a pillow with a very soft surface.

Due to some swelling and bruising, it may take some time for the results of fat injection to become apparent. After two weeks, the swelling and other symptoms subside and the patient will be able to see the results of the operation. After the injection procedure, the injected fat is usually palpable and successfully remains in place for a year. There is no risk of the body rejecting the injected fat because, unlike hip replacement surgery, which is a foreign material, the fat to be injected is taken from the person’s own body. Also, in the Brazilian butt lift, there are no other risks associated with the prosthesis, such as breakage and leakage. Check Pars Med Travel for more information on this topic.

Buttock fat injection in Iran-pmt

Benefits of fat injection to the buttocks

The shape and proportion of a person’s hips is largely determined by genetics,

both in terms of skeletal structure and how fat is stored. A healthy diet and exercise can help you achieve a healthy weight and build muscle. But many people are unhappy with their flat hips despite a healthy lifestyle.

Buttock fat injection is one of the methods that can overcome the effects of genetics and bring you closer to your desired appearance.

Therefore, if you are looking for one of the following goals, you can use the Brazilian butt lift:


  • Shaping the curved paths of the lower body
  • Increasing attractiveness when wearing a variety of clothes
  • Improve upper and lower body balance
  • A natural result as opposed to a prosthesis
  • Fixing hip sagging with age (in some cases)
  • Low risk of infection (in silicone prostheses, the risk of infection is very high)
  • Reducing the risk of fat rejection by the body
  • The recovery time is much shorter than the prosthesis method
  • No need to be hospitalized after surgery (in the prosthetic method, the person must be hospitalized overnight)
  • Get rid of excess body fat





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