Beauty with fractional laser device

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Beauty with fractional laser device


One of the best methods for treating skin wrinkles,

scars caused by acne and suture marks and generally rejuvenating the skin.
In the fractional CO2 laser, the time required for healing and repairing the skin after laser treatment is reduced. This simple method requires little time and a short recovery period. Visit for more information on this topic.


What is fractional co2 laser?

Fractional CO2 laser is a skin technology that is used to improve and treat various skin problems. This type of laser uses carbon dioxide gas (CO2) and works fractionally,

which means that the laser light is irradiated on the skin in the form of small points (fraxels).

The effect of the fractional CO2 laser on the skin is that with laser light,

the upper layers of the skin are destroyed and removed in a controlled manner, while the lower layers of the skin remain healthy.

This laser is applied symmetrically and piece by piece on the skin and selectively stimulates and restores the layers of the skin.

This process stimulates the improvement of the skin’s natural rejuvenation processes.

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How to rejuvenate with fractional co2 laser

Rejuvenation with fractional CO2 laser is an effective method to improve and compliment the appearance of the skin.
This process is performed using CO2 laser light on the skin and by stimulating collagen production and cell regeneration,

it makes the skin younger, smoother and brighter.

Below is how fractional CO2 laser works in skin rejuvenation:

  • Stimulation of collagen production: Fractional laser destroys and stimulates the upper layers of the skin by creating small spots of laser light on the skin. This stimulation activates the collagen production process in the skin. Collagen is a type of protein that increases the structure and flexibility of the skin. As collagen levels increase, the skin becomes younger, firmer and plumper.
  • Cell regeneration: Fractional CO2 laser improves the regeneration of skin cells by destroying damaged skin layers. Cell regeneration involves the production and growth of new, healthy cells that replace skin lesions. This process accelerates the improvement of the skin’s appearance and reduces problems such as wrinkles, blemishes and acne marks.
  • Removal of damaged layers: Fractional laser reduces blemishes, pimples, scars and skin welding by destroying the upper layers of the skin. These damaged layers are replaced and the skin becomes smoother and brighter.


CO2 fractional laser applications

Fractional laser is one of the advanced technologies in the field of skin rejuvenation and treatment.
This technology is able to effectively improve the quality of the skin by using a high-power laser in a fractional way.

In the following, we discuss some applications of CO2 fractional laser therapy:

  • Skin rejuvenation: One of the main uses of fractional CO2 laser is skin rejuvenation. By stimulating and repairing the deep layers of the skin, this laser improves fine lines and wrinkles on the face. Also, by restoring and producing collagen in the skin, it improves the appearance and softness of the skin.
  • Reducing skin spots: This method can reduce skin spots and improve skin color by removing the upper layers of the skin and stimulating the production of melanin in the lower layers.
  • Treatment of acne scars and pimples: Fractional CO2 laser can be effective in treating acne scars and pimples. By stimulating and repairing the skin layers, this laser can accelerate the healing process of wounds and pimples and reduce the signs of inflammation and redness.
  • Treatment of red spots and skin darkening: Fractional CO2 laser can be effective in treating red spots and skin darkening. By stimulating and repairing skin layers, this laser can improve skin color and reduce red spots and dark spots.
  • Acne treatment: Fractional CO2 laser can be effective in acne treatment. By stimulating and repairing the skin layers, this laser can make pimples fade. Check for more information on this topic.


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Benefits of fractional co2 laser

Fractional CO2 laser is an advanced treatment method that improves skin quality by using CO2 laser. This method selectively stimulates and repairs the layers of the skin. In the following, we will mention some of the benefits of fractional CO2 laser:

  1. Quick recovery time: One of the benefits of CO2 fractional laser is the quick recovery time. After this procedure, the skin may be red and sensitive for a few days, but these symptoms are quickly controlled and the maximum recovery time is only a few weeks.
  2. High effectiveness: Fractional CO2 laser with high precision and the ability to adjust the depth of impact accurately stimulates and restores the layers of the skin.
    This method is applied piece by piece and symmetrically on the skin, which improves the quality of the skin in a uniform and convergent way
  3. Short duration of sessions: Another benefit of fractional CO2 laser is the short duration of sessions. Due to the high precision and power of the laser, it requires fewer sessions than other methods to improve the quality of the skin. This means saving time and money for you.
  4. Security and effectiveness: Fractional CO2 laser is a safe and effective treatment method used by dermatologists.
    Due to the accuracy and power of the laser, measurable and visible results are obtained in improving the quality of the skin.





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